Dr. Laurie Marzell N.D., N.C.M.P.

 Naturopathic physician
Certified Menopause Practitioner


Welcome to our online journal and home to all of our published content. Chalk full of resources to enhance your mental and physical health, we provide natural solutions and practical applications so you can live your best life! 

I have been lucky enough to attend a recent presentation with Dr. Louise Newson who is a G.P., menopause specialist and has a degree in immunology. She discussed the effects of estrogen on the immune system and how it affects covid infections.

Estrogen & COVID

Welcome!! Click here to access and download your New Patient Forms to ensure a smooth office visit.

New Patient Forms

There are some tools to help us decrease the stress on our bodies and minds. How about botanical and nutritional medicine? Luckily, there are several choices which can help alleviate anxiety without some of the adverse side effects that may occur from antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications

Anxiety: Natural Solutions

Did you know you can increase the size of your brain? In this brief article we offer suggestions on how to sharpen your brain.

Meditation Part 3: Grow A Brain

What can we use to calm and redirect our energy during a pandemic? One of the tools we may consider is meditation.

Meditation Part 1

We are staying positive when it comes to moving with the world. We are now offering TeleHealth appointments as a permanent addition to our practice. Download your Set-Up Guide for TeleHealth here.

Online Consultations

By now, I am sure all of you realize that we have a pandemic of a virus. We need to do everything we can to decrease its spread.  To this end, I am changing some policies.  Patients have been requesting phone and skype consults.  We are going to try to schedule most office visits this […]

Office Changes: Please Read

Click here to take a peek at our newest Newsletter. In this edition we discuss supplements to aid your health, stomach acid, the wonder fruit Bergamot and a lot more.

Winter Newsletter 2020

What is the real story?  Does taking hormone replacement cause breast cancer?  That is the story so many women have heard from their own doctors.  It must be true.  The anxiety spread to woman facing menopause started from the Women’s Health Initiative Study in 2002.  This was one of the largest studies done with three […]

Estrogen and Breast Cancer

One of the biggest misconceptions I observe with patients, is that they “wait” until menopause has occurred before seeking hormone support.  Ovarian function usually starts declining in the mid-forties.  This decline of estrogen can cause symptoms such as bone loss, anxiety, depression, loss of energy, sometimes irritability, and sleep disturbance.  The textbook definition of menopause […]

Things You Did Not Know About Estrogen: Misconceptions by Patients and Doctors

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15962 Boones Ferry Rd #102, Lake Oswego, OR 97035
PH: 503.655.9493 Fax: 833.643.1228