Dr. Laurie Marzell N.D., M.S.C.P.

naturopathic physician
certified menopause practitioner
Primary care physician

low dose naltrexone


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This drug was originally introduced for drug addicts. It inhibits the endorphin receptors, to prevent the addicts from getting high from their drug use. In small doses, it temporarily blocks the endorphin receptors, stimulating the body to stimulate the increased production of endorphins. The end result is up to 3 x the normal level of endorphins. Why is this important? Because endorphins have not only a “happy mood” enhancing effect, but also effect the immune system. Low dose naltrexone therapy has proven helpful to calm the immune system in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel conditions. It is also very effective therapy for those patients with fibromyalgia.
 Endorphins stimulate the immune system to attack cancer cells, in a way that causes them to kill themselves. They also provide excellent anti-inflammatory effects and decrease pain. All these health benefits are from the patient’s own endorphins, which are stimulated to be produced by a tiny dose of an accepted drug.
 Low dose naltrexone is an extremely valuable tool for a variety of health ailments. Dr. Marzell is affiliated with the LDN Research Trust. They are a group of doctors and patients whose goal is to provide information to others. Their website is an excellent resource for research articles, and access to past conferences. The website address is www.lowdosenaltrexone.org. Consider scheduling an appointment to find out more and if LDN is the right fit for you.

Going through menopause does not have to be difficult. Menopause is often accompanied by hot flashes, and mood swings. Women going through premature menopause may even have to cope with additional physical and emotional matters. We understand how important it is to resume a quality of life prior to menopause.
Many women are good candidates to take hormone replacement therapy. It is important for the hormones to be bioidentical, in the same chemical structure as the hormones would be in a young human female to be safest and most effective. Only 17-B estradiol that is bioidentical will fit in a brain receptor. In addition to preserving brain function, especially memory; estrogen protects the bones, joints, heart and sexual function in older women. It can keep cholesterol levels lower and HDL levels higher.
Have you heard of this study on the news? Perhaps in the newspaper? The misinterpreted results of the Women’s Health Initiative study from 2001, have been ingrained in women’s and practitioner’s minds that estrogen is a danger, is unhealthy and will cause cancer and strokes. One presenter at the conference indicated that this misconception was akin to a zombie invasion; something unreal that cannot be killed or stopped. Not even, apparently so far, with the truth.




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Food allergies means your body is at war with what you are eating. Food is no longer the nourishing substance, but a foreign invader that must be destroyed. Inflammatory bombs of nasty chemicals are released, white cells attack and try to eat the hated protein “attacker”. Data on what to look out for is processed in the genetic bank of the white blood cells to “tell others” and pass down to offspring, the command to destroy this protein structure if seen. The increase in inflammation causes edema, and an acidic environment which can harm tissue of all kinds, including brain tissue. Food allergies can cause chronic problems such as fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, eczema, weight problems, unstable blood sugar, attacks of depression, anxiety and fatigue. Many patients have described the chronic exposure to allergens as a curtain of fogginess over their brain, which cleared when they discovered and eliminated the foods causing the problem. Special blood testing is very helpful to identify the culprits. Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and Hashimotos thyroiditis can be substantially calmed by eliminating the food allergens; thus declaring a peace for the immune system in the body.  Dr. Marzell has been working with food allergies for more than 30 years. The effects of removing the offending foods from a patient’s diet can be profound and help to reduce inflammation throughout the body, preventing illness.

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food allergies

food allergies

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welcome, we are so glad you're here. 

Dr. Marzell is a primary care physician that combines the wisdom of naturopathic medicine with modern medicine to help facilitate the body's inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health. I focus on evidence based nutritional therapy for food allergies and in bioidentical hormone replacement. 

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welcome, let's meet

Kansas Newman College, B.S. Human Biology 1978.
National College of Naturopathic Medicine, N.D. doctorate in naturopathic medicine 1980.

General Practice since 1980.

Society memberships:

International Menopause Society & North American Menopause Society, certified Menopause Practitioner.

Post-Graduate Training:

Bioidentical hormone replacement- J. Wright,M.D.
Nutritional Therapy in Medical Practice- J. Wright, M.D.
Amino acid treatment of Depression-Julia Ross
Chemistry, Immunology, Statistics, Endocrinology – Portland State University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Clackamas Community College.
Low Dose Naltrexone: seminars in 20013 and 2014
Menopause seminars yearly with North American Menopause Society and International Menopause Society (2014)

Services + Serving With:

Oregon Board of Naturopathic Examiners member and president 1986-1989.

Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians: have served on the legislation committee

Naturopathic Medical Educational Institute vice president 1991-2005

Dr. Marzell also works extensively in fibromyalgia, mood disorders, prevention of diabetes, weight management, and auto immune diseases. Dr. Marzell is known for being a compassionate, empathetic woman whom engrosses herself into each of her patients and takes a personal investment towards their well being.   

More about dR. mARZELL

"Dr. Marzell has been helping me with bio identical hormone replacement therapy for years now. A few months ago I came out with a massive outbreak of hives and the allergist at OHSU wasn't much help; however, Dr. Marzell spent an hour with me going over allergy mechanisms and implications and I'm doing so much better now." 

raving reviews

"Dr. Marzell has been helping me with bio identical hormone replacement therapy for years now. A few months ago I came out with a massive outbreak of hives and the allergist at OHSU wasn't much help; however, Dr. Marzell spent an hour with me going over allergy mechanisms and implications and I'm doing so much better now." 

raving reviews

"Hormone therapy resolved all of my original issues and I no longer experience headaches, joint pain, migraines or depression! With a resounding YES, natural hormone therapy has changed my life. Dr. Marzell is very welcoming. The is thorough and listens intently to patient needs. She's worked wonders for my health  and even works with my PCP." 

raving reviews

Vitamin D - 20,000 x 4 days, then 10,000 for one week, then 5,000 IU a day
Vitamin C - 1000 mg 3-4 times a day
Quercitin 250 mg twice a day
Zinc 100 mg for 1-2 weeks, then 50-75mg a day
Curcumin 2 capsules twice a day
Melatonin 6 - 6 mg before bed
Selenium 400 mcg for 3-4 days, then 200 mcg daily

Take this protocol at the first sign of symptoms to help aid the body in recovery. 

COVID Supplement Protocol

stay healthy


first symptoms of sickness

Vitamin D 5,000 IU
Vitamin C 1000mg Twice Daily
Quercitin 250 mg
Zinc 50-75 mg 
Curcumin 2 a day (BCM-95)
Melatonin 6 - 6 mg before bed
Selenium 200 mcg a day

see what we've been up to



our Spring newsletter is here!

We absolutely love making these newsletters for you. This one is filled with garden tips (soon to become a regular feature) and a discount on one of our all time favorite supplements for gut health. Enjoy!


hot off the press

Vitamin D 20.000 iu for 2-3 days, then decrease to 10,000 iu for one week, then 5,000 iu daily
Selenium 400 mcg. Daily for 4-5 days, then 200 mcg daily
Zinc 100 mg daily for one week; then 50-75 mg daily
Vitamin C 1,000 mg three times a day; decrease 500 mg as you feel better daily

If you feel the winter viruses are stalking your immune system and a battle is in the near future, this formula often works:

Dr. Marzell's Shoo Flu Formula

stay healthy

Vitamin D 5,000iu daily
Vitamin C 1,000 mg three times a day
Vitamin A 10,000 iu
Zinc 50-75mg daily
Selenium 200 mcg daily


first symptoms of sickness

Are you confused about hormone therapy for menopause? Is it a blessing or villain? Dr. Marzell clears up the issue with her new book, Don’t Grow Old! The Role of Hormones in Protecting Your Health. In this easy to read book, Dr. Marzell puts complicated and confusing issues to rest. She points out the role in estrogen and why it is so important for patients to take this. She clears up the progesterone issue, who needs it and what is the most effective way to administer it. Also, testosterone is covered and even a section on how to prevent breast cancer. Don’t Grow Old, is a book every woman going through menopause should read, and then show to their doctors.

click here to purchase

dr. marzell's books

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15962 Boones Ferry Rd #102, Lake Oswego, OR 97035
PH: 503.655.9493 Fax: 833.643.1228