By now, I am sure all of you realize that we have a pandemic of a virus. We need to do everything we can to decrease its spread. To this end, I am changing some policies. Patients have been requesting phone and skype consults. We are going to try to schedule most office visits this way. On the good side, you can have your office visit in the comfort and safety of your home. The same amount of time as any office visit will be allotted to the phone or skype visit. For the purpose of reviewing lab tests, my office will email the results so that you will have a copy in front of you to follow along with at your office visit.
I usually do a complete physical exam on new patients. For this period of time, I may defer an exam, so that people can get care but stay at home. If you have had an exam with another doctor or lab results, we will request you sign a form to release these results to us, which will help in our evaluation. If you need lab tests, we can order them at any lab, or hospital. In some cases, particularly with patients who live far away, this will be more convenient, and again, safer.
I have noticed many people are simply ignoring this situation. The more people stay home, the safer it will be and the quicker the virus will die out. I want to warn you of some things people don’t even think of which may spread a virus.
Door handles: many people are touching the surface, please use a glove or cloth so you are not exposing your bare hands to everyone who has touched this.
Wiping down surfaces with alcohol is helpful.
Wash hands frequently
Also, I recommend taking the following supplements to prevent infection:
Vit. C 1,000mg three times daily
Vit. A 5-10,000 iu
Zinc 50-75 mg a day
Selenium 200 mcg daily
If you start to become sick:
Vit. D 20,000 x 4-5 days, then 10,000 iu for one week, then 5,000 iu daily
Zinc 100 mg x one week then 75mg
Selenium 4-500 mcg x 4-5 days, then 200 mcg daily
Appointments can be made online at drmarzell@drmarzell.com or by calling the office at 503-655-9493.