COVID Updates
Unfortunately, the Covid virus is still around, now in variants. It is normal for viruses to mutate, and there are several mutations now, most worrisome at this time is the delta variant.
The best way to protect yourself against this is through a vaccination, Two doses of Pfeizer and Moderna are showing strong protection. There have been breakthrough cases of infection showing up for people who have been vaccinated. However, with the increase in infections we are seeing in Oregon, the case for getting vaccinated is strong.
I am doing some work at the office. However, the majority of visits will still be done through telehealth. This protects the patient and doctor, and other patients who may be exposed. If you are not sure how to work the telehealth office visit, Drea will be happy to walk you through until you are comfortable with it.
We are still ordering lab work. I will be seeing some patients for exams at the clinic. I am going to limit this to vaccinated patients to begin with. This will protect others, as well as staff. Patients will still be required to wear masks and we will be wiping down all surfaces before and after visits. This may be a good time to rethink getting a vaccine, if you have hesitated. They really are doing the job of protection.
We are dealing with a very difficult and harmful virus. For those who think they may have had the virus already, I can order antibody tests to see if you have developed antibodies. If so, you really do not need to take the vaccine. The purpose is to develop antibodies. Please continue to mask up, clean surfaces thoroughly and keep gatherings small.
If you have any questions about if the vaccine is right for you, please call our office to schedule an appointment so we can review your medical history and discuss options. We want everyone to be safe and to be educated in their choices.