Dr. Laurie Marzell N.D., N.C.M.P.

 Naturopathic physician
Certified Menopause Practitioner


Welcome to our online journal and home to all of our published content. Chalk full of resources to enhance your mental and physical health, we provide natural solutions and practical applications so you can live your best life! 

food allergies

By identifying and eliminating the foods that you react to, you can finally feel relief and overall better health caused by these pesky foods.

Food Allergy Testing Panel & Instructions

  There are two main functions for coenzyme Q10; one is in energy production and the other is to provide strong anti-oxidant properties. Let’s examine the first. All cells in the body need coenzyme Q10 to produce energy. The tissues that work the hardest need the most. Malfunctions can occur without an adequate supply of […]

Coenzyme Q10: What is So Special About It?

  I am sure many of you are planning to hit the gym in the New Year to start 2019.  It is a great idea for a fresh start and your body will love it, eventually.  But sometimes muscles not used  to new movements can be sore and painful afterwards.  One of the biggest mistakes […]

Make The Most Of Your Workouts & Prevent Sore Muscles

  Would you like to lose weight, but have difficulty avoiding sugary snacks and deserts?  Are you moody and difficult to get along with?  Is your energy minimal at best?  Do you feel like falling asleep after a meal?  All these problems can be connected to problems with blood sugar.  A good point has been […]

Inside Scoop on Sugar

How can you possibly be allergic to a food?  It is a nourishing substance that benefits your body, right?  Unfortunately, food allergies are quite common, and can be responsible for many health problems, particularly the ones that don’t seem to have clear diagnosis..  Factors that raise the level of suspicion for the presence of a […]

Food Allergies: An Old Concept that Won’t Go Away

  Depression is a common problem.  Medications are available, but natural therapies are also available.  Let’s take a look at both. Most medications for depression inhibit the breakdown of serotonin.  This drives up higher amounts in the blood.  Why is serotonin good for people who are depressed? Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, meaning it stimulates the […]

DEPRESSION:  Beating the Blues Naturally

  4 shocking Facts About Spinach That Will Make You Want to Eat It The path to good health has probably been heard by most as children when a parent encouraged you to “Eat your vegetables!” The potpourri of chemicals in plants is staggering. Their actions in the human body confirm the importance of that […]

4 Facts You Never Knew about Spinach

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PH: 503.655.9493 Fax: 833.643.1228